VSD Food Machinery B.V. - Bedrijvenpark Twente 54 | 7602 KC Almelo | +31 (0)546 873 032 | E-mail info@vsd.nl NL | ENG
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Make double profit with bacon Traditionally, bacon is not smoked much. However, the demand for it is increasing. Especially in England and Ireland, it is very popular. But smoking bacon is very work and time-consuming. In terms of price, the product is under pressure. A good reason for VSD to get started! "We... Read more >>
‘No bigger smokehouses, but faster and more efficiently’ At VSD we know about techniques, equipment and technology. And as a customer you know what you want. Together we come to very beautiful customized solutions. Recently, we developed the perfect drying- and smokehouse for the fish trade of the Roeleveld firm. "The thing that works... Read more >>
New trend: pulled pork, chicken and beef It comes from The States and has already reached many Dutch restaurants: pulled pork, chicken and beef. Even supermarkets and McDonald’s offer this slowly cooked delicacy. And no wonder, the tender meat can be combined easily and is surprisingly tasty. In The States they know pulled... Read more >>
From now on controlled smoking When we sprinkle salt and pepper on our meat, we know exactly how much it is. But if we smoke the same product in a smokehouse, it is unclear how many harmful substances have been released during combustion. VSD now has the solution! When woodchips is not smoldering or glowing optimally,... Read more >>
Smoking is allowed In recent years there has been much controversy surrounding the proposed European legislation regarding smoke condensates, smoke or liquid smoke flavorings. Mainly due to unfamiliarity with this matter the discussion with ministers and officials for producers and users initially seemed going the... Read more >>
VSD Food Machinery | Kamer van Koophandel | 73505498 | BTW NL859552408B01
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