VSD Food Machinery B.V. - Bedrijvenpark Twente 54 | 7602 KC Almelo | +31 (0)546 873 032 | E-mail info@vsd.nl NL | ENG
Also for customization you can contact us.
We are specialized in: Smoking, cooking, roast and marinate
Specialist in boiling, steaming, grilling and Pasteurization: a crispy crust and yet tender inside.
Also for customization you can contact us.
We are specialized in: Smoking, cooking, roast and marinate

VSD is a mid-sized Dutch company that is located near the German border at Almelo and delivers machinery all over the globe. Clients are brought into contact with an expert who takes care of the entire process for them, from start to finish: from designing the machine to installing it at the client’s location. The company is available 24/7.


Family company

VSD started out as a family company. Today, VSD ships its machines to food companies all over the world. The company’s strength has always been – and still is – the fact that it is flexible and communicates along close and compact ties. VSD employs a regular and skillful team of experts. These work for the client and take care of the entire project from start to finish. They are the client’s first point of contact and take a note of their wishes. They draw up the concept, design and build the machines, and install them. “Clients like being in contact with a single expert who knows about all aspects of the project”. “That allows us to move and adapt quickly.”



Because VSD has clients everywhere, from Asia to America, its experts are available 24/7. Due to the time differences, the company has to always be reachable by phone.

If needed, VSD’s experts can log into the client’s system online from where they are in the Netherlands. This allows them to remotely answer questions, solve problems and brainstorm with the client. “And should the need arise, we’ll just come to the client”. “Our experts always have a packed suitcase ready. They know that they have to be ready to get on a plane and fly to a client the moment something goes wrong.” VSD also installs and supplies machinery parts and carries out periodic maintenance.



VSD’s experts all have a technical degree and are highly experienced designers and developers of industrial machinery. Moreover, they possess the necessary know-how regarding food technology, allowing them to think alongside the client.  VSD also remains in good contact with educational programmes related to food and heat technology, and is part of a network of food technology engineers. Together, they brainstorm on new technical advances. In this way, they inspire each other and keep each other up to date.

VSD Food Machinery | Kamer van Koophandel | 73505498 | BTW NL859552408B01
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